[Imc] Back-back room to-do list -- version 1.0:

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at students.uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 4 18:25:26 UTC 2002

In order to be ready for our Thursday Grand Opening of the Back-Back Room
the following tasks have to be done.  I encourage you, if you have the
skills, the time, and the inclination, to please help out with any one (or
more) of these tasks, add new ones on to this list and update the list as
items are accomplished (please edit this list legibly):


Back-back room to do list version 1.0:

1.  [DONE] Move equipment out of back-back room.
2.  [    ] Set up PA system.
3.  [    ] Finish & connect electrical wiring.
4.  [    ] Finish insulation installation.
5.  [    ] Sweep/Vacuum floor.
6.  [    ] Mop floor.
7.  [    ] Paint wall with hanging doors.
8.  [    ] Debug sound system.
9.  [    ] Get space heaters & fuel.
10. [    ] Move mantle-style furniture to 2nd floor.
11. [    ] Set up snack-prep area.
12. [    ] After floor is clean, move furniture into back-back room.


Thanks to everyone who has been busting a move to get the space ready.
Many folks have worked long and hard to make the space happen --
especially Clint, who's been one of the driving forces day in and day out
(give him a warm "thank you" next time you see him).

Finally, we will have one last last-minute work-evening on Wednesday night
starting at 6 p.m.  Please help out or bring us food.

Thanks to everyone who's put in time and energy:  Darrin, Clint, Maiko,
Brian, Avram, Mike W., Mike F., Mike L., Molly, Jenny, Mark, Dave Y., Dave
G., John H., James J., Orion, Paul K., Paul R., Matt, Dan, and everyone
else who has helped but I've forgotten to mention.  We're coming down to
the wire, but we're looking on track to have everything up and running on

Thank you, thank you, thank you,


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