[Imc] Steering Committee notes

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun May 5 18:26:42 UTC 2002

Steering Committee Meeting

Attending: Russ (facilitating), Avram, Brian, Sascha, Mike W., 
James, Clint (notetaking)

Group Reports: 

Radio News:  Not much to report.  

Finance:  Taxes done.  Working on Illinois Charitable Organization
annual report.  Paul R. is going to take on membership stuff, Zach
Miller is going to do groogroo, and Russ is going to do local finance
stuff.  Sascha is going to do a little oversight stuff, and handling
non-local finance.

Library:  Did not meet last week.  James took a trip to Quimby's
bookstore, next to a nice noodle shop, in Chicago.  Lots of cool
independent books, zines, etc.  James bought and donated some books to
our library.  Lots of donations coming in.  We need volunteers to help
catalog zines.  Next meeting next Tuesday at 8pm.

Tech did not met.  BUT, a lot of equipment came back with missing pieces
and with junk in the bags.  Please try to return equipment as it was
checked out.

Print:  Met at new time on Thursday.  New special "conspiracy" issue of
public i funded.  At end of this week the ideas for this issue will be
posted.  The may issue will be printed around the 20th.  

Space: Did not meet.  Looking to get bigger recycling bins.  Need more
volunteers to take recycling to curbsides.

Shows:  No spoke.

Global: DC transferred money to us.  Some money into Calvert funds.
Looking to get global IMC empowered to spend money as a global network.
The "main thing" has been passed, but there is a clause that is causing
problems.  Still trying to get money to IMC Nigeria, problems with
Nigerian banking laws.  IMC Chiapas has accepted the $2850 earmarked for
them.  There has been some talk of moving some money to IMC Argentina
from a donor.  This would either go through global, or we would become a
fiscal sponsor for IMC Argentina.   IMC Palestine has $3000 from PayPal
that will eventually arrive in Palestine, but for now it stays here.

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  

Parade idea.  The theme for the 4th of July parade is "Free Speech, Free
People."  Mike Lehman has offered his trailer and truck for the parade.  
Clint will fill out an application to have an entry in the parade.  

Stringer proposal: Andrew Kinnis, from Mexico City IMC, coming to the
UofI to study communications.  He wants to go to Palestine to do some
news reporting, and wants to come back afterwards and do a series of
lectures/discussions on Palestine issues.  He wants us to fund him.  This 
will be brought up at the News meeting.

Selling food at the IMC.  There is some interest in selling food from
the Red Herring.  Questions about Health code.  

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