[Imc] IMC Steering, 5/12/02

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun May 12 18:08:43 UTC 2002

Steering Committee Meeting, 5/12/02

Attending: Mike L (facilitating), Clint (notetaking), Brian, Amy, Mike W, 
Sascha, Avram

Group reports:

Finance:  Tax stuff is being finished up.  Arizona IMC is interested in
fiscal sponsorship.  We've started moving money into money markets.
We're running a deficit, and four people have stepped forward to help
with Finance.  Every Monday from 7-9 will be an action-oriented meeting
of training on finance stuff, everyone is welcome.

Print: Last day for regular issue is next Saturday.  This issue will
likely be printed the last week in May.

Shows: Dealing with recycling issue, since larger shows mean more waste.
We're trying to get people out in a reasonable time, and making sure the
back space is clean after shows.  Security concerns have been raised;
mics are now being stored in the production room, and cables are being
considered for movable things.

Tech:  Discussion of equipment breakage policy, which is still in flux.
Cope replaced the MD with a new one.  Mojo is nearly full, and will be
trimmed by tech at 6pm on May 22nd.  Please remove your old files by

Radio News: Nothing to report.  Mike F. is doing this weeks newshour.

Old Business:

Parade - We might consider a coalition with other groups.  Clint is
filling out a parade application.

Web site - There is a guy spamming (and admitting to it) our website.
Consensus is to hide his posts.  Three stories on the same issue have
been grouped, to keep them from dominating the newswire.  The main
indymedia now pulls features from the individual IMCs' features.  We're
working on getting our IMC to work with that.  We had a discussion here
on how to modify the appearance of the IMC website, which will be
continued in the tech meeting.

New Business: 

Fair Trade Coffee - A discussion was held on a variety of topics related
to fair trade coffee.

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