[Imc] steering group notes 5/19/02

Paul Riismandel p-riism at ntx1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sun May 19 19:36:22 UTC 2002

Dearest Steering Group,

I would greatly appreciate it if there could be advance notice for the
meeting where Clint presents the Cafe proposal.  I believe this proposal is
very significant and can affect every element of the IMC's operation.  All
interested IMCistas need to have sufficient warning to hear, evaluate,
comment on and express concerns on it.



-----Original Message-----
From: Sascha Meinrath
To: imc at ucimc.org
Sent: 5/19/2002 1:11 PM
Subject: [Imc] steering group notes 5/19/02

attending: mike w.(facilitating), james j., avram g., sascha m.
(notetaker), mike f., clint p., amy g., mike l., brian h.

Clint would like to investigate: how it would function, what the codes
are, how it would be funded, etc.  The proposal is that Clint look into
what would be required to make it happen.  The idea would be to check
feasability and then come back to the Steering Group with a more
formalized proposal.  Passed by consensus.

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