[Imc] Steering Notes, Sunday Sept 1

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun Sep 1 19:17:46 UTC 2002

Attending: Mike W., Brian, Russ, Sascha (facilitating), Clint
(note-taking), Amy, Kathy Chang (new!)

Missing spokes: Radio News, Librarians (coming back soon?)

Group Reports: 

Print - September issue of Public I is out.  We need new spokes, as
Mike W. can no longer attend the print meeting, and is therefore
uncomfortable being the spoke for the group.  Also, Cafe Paradiso is a
new sustaining contributor.

Shows - New Meeting time, 7pm Thursdays.  Alix Olson cancelled, but the
show happened with Amy and the Newspoets anyway.  

Space - We have only one key left.  If you have a key, and are no
longer staffing or doing production work at the IMC, please return
your key, as we have new staffers that need keys.  Please.  Yes you.

Finance - Still running a deficit, founding funders are responding
slowly to letters for renewal.  Rent up to $1000/month to include the
back room.  Global is making a $2200 payment to South Africa IMC
for coverage of summit.

Tech - Mojo is unhappy; we are hoping that always having the fans
blowing on it will solve things.  If not, it will need to be replaced.
The replacement for the public access computer is on the way.  Dada is
80% there, should be done in the next few days, pending child care for
Clint's kids.

Old Business:

Gallery space proposal was passed, pending consensus from missing
spokes.  We need a work day to fix up the gallery; Sascha will
organize this and send the announcement to the list.

Capital Campaign - We need volunteers to help raise the money to buy
a/the building.  $100,000 by next spring.  This is doable, but we need
to start soon.  Please contact Sascha if you can help.

New Business:

Coffeehouse - We revisited the idea of a coffeehouse as a revenue
generating idea.  Clint will investigate upfront costs for this.


9/4-9/8 GrrrlFest!

9/8  AWARE Teach-In, 1:30-3:30 at the McKinley center.

9/11 AWARE March from quad...see flyer at IMC.

9/11 Bitch and Animal concert.  "tribal chick hoedown funk poetry with
a political wedge and bass line edge." 

9/14 Street Theatre Festival, 3-11pm, downtown Urbana.  The Prince Myshkins
will be performing!

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