[Imc] Booking Minutes 9/5/02

Zachary C. Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Tue Sep 10 18:41:00 UTC 2002

Shows Group

Jason P., Jane, Eric, Zoe, Sascha, Jenny, Molly, Alex, Cassie, Zach, Brian

DSC Talent show space rental. Free space rental approved September 21
or 22. 2pm-5pm.

Gallery space - Gallery work day Monday 9th, 5:30pm. Zach, Jason,
Sascha, Arun, Jenny, Jane(?), Cassie (?), Alex (at 9pm), Molly (at
9pm), David G.

Need to buy paint and building supplies. Sascha says we can afford
it. We'll pay for it, benefit show will pay us back. No obligation for
Jason to pay us back if the benefit doesn't cover it. Jason and Sascha
will coordinate. We'll pull some grrrlfest people in too.

Gallery will be 50/50 on sales of artwork. 

Benefit concert on October 15th. Mecca Normal show on November 12th
will have a show. Cindy Westfall will have a show in November. Molly
may do a show in April (Senior Thesis).

gallery at ucimc.org is the contact for gallery space.

Sascha should send Jason the artattack list of many local artists. 

Maybe we can ask Sarah K. to do outreach with the grad program for art shows.

Fliering - 

People took fliers and they didn't get put up. After you take a flier
you should tell the list what you are doing. You need to be done
fliering by Monday after taking on Thursday. 

Alex is doing downtown champaign and campus, Molly is doing art

Zoe will do campus and urbana. 
Derek can pass them out at urbana high school!
Zach will get handbills to the group.
Zoe central high school or centennial. 
Jason will get goth handbills to the high school peeps.
Amy will champaign tomorrow.
Alex will do some champaign.

Send an email to shows list when you are done.


Jason will make a new footer with the disclaimer about champaign.

Alex will meet with Ward to gather intelligence. 

Public i

Zach is doing a page.
They're doing a benefit.


Projects: Which have priority, how much can we spend?

1. A room mic, or system of mics to allow recording, and to allow us
to play in other roomsw, webcast, a single mix of all the sound.  We
can't do this now because we don't mic the guitar amps etc.  Zach will
test equipment.  Cost: $100-$500.  Sell cd's of shows?  Contracts?

2. Get our own monitor speakers and our own snake.  
 Cost: $300 per unit 
 We have 3 on loan, total cost will be $600 or $900.

3. Extra equalizers and more/better quality mics, general upgrade.

Having monitors is important. Room mics should be second priority. We
may be able to get free mics from Shure factory (contact John P). Zach
will put together a total wishlist. We need to invest in our
infrastructure. Zach will get equipment for bitch and animal from
Pogo. We need to label all our stuff so it doesn't disappear. Zach can
can spend $100 on DI boxes and mic stands.  

Amy authorized to spend for meter hoods so B&A can park their 30 ft
RV.  It costs $10/space/day.



Zach will be shows spoke. 

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta!
 Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
 Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology

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