[Imc] Membership Meeting Proposal

Ellen Knutson knutson at shout.net
Sun Sep 15 03:01:07 UTC 2002


The next membership meeting is quickly approaching. It is scheduled for 
October 3 in the evening, and I am assuming that means 7pm. The last 
Steering Group minutes said they were looking for someone to organize this 
meeting. I am willing to help with the organization but will be unable to 
attend the meeting itself, which obviously means that I can't facilitate 
the meeting.

Nonetheless, I have a proposal for how to approach this meeting. In the 
past we've asked the working groups to give an update on what their 
perspective group is has be working on for the last 6 months. This takes a 
lot of time in the meeting. I propose that in lieu of oral reports each 
working group submit a small written report of their accomplishments and 
current goals and needs. I am willing to compile these reports into one 
report which I think should be sent to the membership prior to the meeting.

I think this mailing should also include a letter advising people of their 
membership status, inviting them to become members if they are not already 
and inviting people to renew their membership if it has lapsed. Paul R. has 
said he can help sort through the membership data to get this part of the 
letter out.

And the third thing I think should be included is an agenda for the meeting.

Here's my initial agenda, to be refined and amended as needed:

--introductions and review of agenda
--questions and concerns from the membership to the working groups
--report back from the caucus on concerns raised in the last membership meeting
--buying the building
--capital campaign

I intend to come to steering tomorrow to present this proposal. Sorry I'm 
sending it so late in the day.


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