[Imc] Shows group meeting notes

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Fri Sep 20 00:51:42 UTC 2002

IMC Shows Group Meeting 9/19

Attending: Jenny (facilitating), Zoe, Jason, Clint (note-taking), Arun, 
Cassie, Sascha

Recycling - 

Consensus achieved to get one multi tote, $25.  Amy will order it, and at next 
meeting we'll figure out who is responsible for putting it outside.  

Gallery - Spackling will happen after meeting tonight.  Sascha will look into
finding out how much it will cost to fix the floor.  (Actually, Sascha says
"No I wont" so this issue is tabled.)  October 15th is opening night.

Flyering - Alex called; Ward (from highdive) will have his people flyer for us
for free, if his flyer people can attend shows for people.  Alex will find out
who they are.  Urbana is annoyed that someone is putting up IMC flyers
on telephone poles, specifically new ones.  We shouldn't do that.

Cassie will do Campus area, Clint will do downtown Urbana.

Shows - 

We're hoping Amy can do sound for the Violents CD release party

We're hoping Zach can staff 9/24 rental, as no one else can.

Mail call -  Done.

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