[IMC] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Really Big Fractals Opening Reception

YooJin Hong indigo.coop at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 16:27:27 UTC 2012


Monday, July 24, 2012

CONTACT: Dan Lanier
del at escapetimegraphics.com

CONTACT: YooJin Hong
indigo.coop at gmail.com

Really Big Fractals Opening Reception

The opening reception for Really Big Fractals  is on Friday, July 27th 2012
starting at 5pm to 9pm at indi go Artist Co-Op. It is free and open to the
public.  The show will be exhibited from July 27th  through August 4th.

Bump the inside of your elbow in a certain way and you hit a 'zinger'
called the crazy bone. Dan Lanier's prints are a collection of mathematical
Zingers he bumped into while using Gaston Julia's idea for examining
nonlinear difference equations. I am intrigued by these mathematical
occurrences and enchanted by the process of expressing them artistically.
Dan chose to reconnoiter this type of equation because of the beauty of the
Mandelbrot, Julia and other graphical sets hanging in the upper story halls
of the San Diego State University Math Department in 2007 - 2008.

This July 2012 exhibit at Indigo Gallery is the first time Dan Lanier have
shown his large prints. They all include the equations and parameters
necessary to recreate them printed in one corner or another. The frames are
all made by Dan using a different kind of wood for each one - as part of
his quest to learn woodworking at our local CU Woodshop.

Fractal geometry explores the device of mind somehow. Self-similarity at
different scales, endless refinement of detail and convolution of form, and
the interaction of color suggest something real to the eye thought reason
denies it. Also, Dan states that "I believe (but cannot prove) that these
images are more than computational artifacts and demonstrate that chaos is
deterministic (they are graphically the same if using 32 bit floating point
numbers as they are when using 64 bit precision). Graphically &
philosophically, I hope you find them stimulating."

Gallery Hours:
July 27th - August 4th
Monday - Friday: 3-7pm
Saturday: 11am-7pm
Sunday: Closed


YooJin Hong
Gallery Director
indi go Artist Co-Op
9 E. University; Champaign, IL
Check us out on Facebook!
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