[IMC] "Peace and Education - The Way to a Transformed Community" - Talk by Fr. Hilary Muheezangango

Shikhank Sharma sharma24 at illinois.edu
Wed Apr 24 19:48:49 UTC 2013


I would really appreciate it if you could share the following information
with interested individuals via email, listserv, social media etc.


*Peace and Education: The Way to a Transformed Community*****

Talk by Father Hilary Muheezangango, Executive Director COVE Alliance****

Fr. Hilary Muheezangango will give a presentation, *“Peace and Education:
The Way to a Transformed Community,”* on Thursday, April 25, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
with a reception at 6:30 p.m., Illini Union Room B.****

*Growing up in a country that was at the time characterized by domestic
violence, illiteracy, poverty, and civil wars, it makes a lot of sense to
talk about these two variables: Peace and Education. Worldwide we talk
about peace many times, but less do we think how much peace is needed for
our own existence. The moment one talks about peace, it means there is
violence on the other hand. Absence of peace has penetrated every country,
race, culture, political structures, religious affiliations, and families.
And each one of us has a stake in the creation of peace. While Education is
a fundamental right entitled to every person, it is also a tool for peace
building in a society. I will share my own experience and views on how
violence and high rates of illiteracy have shielded the development of
communities. I will also highlight the importance of education and how it
is “the” tool that can bring about peace and transform the communities in
which we live.*****

Fr. Hilary Muheezangango is a Roman Catholic Priest serving in the Diocese
of Kasana-Luweero, Uganda, where he is the Director for Development and
Social Services. He is also the Director of the Mulungyomu Agro-Training
and Research Center and the Executive Director of COVE Alliance (Children’s
Outreach and Vocational Education). Born in Uganda, he lived during the
dictatorial times of President Idi Amin, and civil war prevented him from
going to school until he was 12 years of age. After years of wandering the
jungle for safety and living in a refugee camp in Kapeeka, he received
sponsorship for his education and earned degrees at universities in Uganda
and the U.S.****

This presentation is free and open to the public. Sponsored by: Learning in
Community (LINC), College of Engineering, COVE Alliance Illinois Chapter,
and the Office of Volunteer Programs.

*Further details about the talk and Father Hilary can be found
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