[IMC] IMC Programming Committee notes - welcome to a new Underground Lounge

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at ojctech.com
Sun Jul 28 09:55:50 UTC 2013

*IMC Programming Committee Meeting*

*July 27, 2013*

Attendance: Monica (Makerspace), Gary (Board), Alex (Venue staff), Danielle
(Board), Durl (Board), Susan Parenti (SDAS), Don (RFU), Rohn (RFU), Ken
(Board), Richard (public i), Chris (studio artist), Ezra Shine


We meeting was well attended (12 folks). Groups discussed recent and
upcoming activities as well as current needs (see exciting details below).
We toured IMC Common spaces on the lower level and discussed the reviving
the closet closet and underground lounge. We moved the zine library into
the underground lounge and set it up for use.

*Next meeting of the Programming Committee: Sat, Aug 17th 1-2:30pm. *Working
groups please send a rep.

*Working group updates*

a. RFU - *Taking applications for a volunteer station manager.* Website is
under development - who is working on it? Studio board parts were never
ordered- will discuss at WRFU meeting to ensure we buy the right parts.
Simulcast from the board stopped working with the tower build. Next meeting
in Tuesday Aug 6th 7:15pm.

b. B2P - Has shipped 84,934 books to inmates. Don't know when next booksale
will be.

c. Librarians - *Moving the zine library into the Underground Lounge*. The
group doesn't meet regularly but tends to converge around the zine fest.
Will meet in August to discuss zine library next steps.

d. Makerspace - *Makerfaire Sept 21* - free! Summer ma-kation at the IMC -
every other Saturday - lots of  elementary school kids - 20 people today.
Went to Children's Discovery Museum on Wed and gave 4 workshops with 20
kids. Lots of activity. Check Makerspaceurbana.org.

e. public i

Looking for new members, reporters. *Need a new volunteer on layout.  *Concern
about how hard it is to get to the public i website from ucimc.org.  Doing
more social media work connections.

f. Shows

No active shows group. What happened to Jay Schubert's suggestion for an
electronic music group?

*Board updates*

*Board meeting is this Tuesday, July 30th 6-8pm*. Members and volunteers
welcome to attend.

a. Board is taking up a proposal for *3 staff positions at the IMC *- Venue
& Media training Coordinator, Finance & Building Coordinator, and
Development & Outreach Coordinator.

b. Membership - Board decided that membership can be paid or earned through
5 hours of work for the IMC commons. Everyone who has a key should be a

c. Studio Spaces are available - big and small. Please get the word out.

d. *Cash flow crunch*. We are facing a cash flow crunch as we go into the
Fall.  Ways you can help: become a member, encourage people to rent the
venue, get the word out about available studio/office space.

*Other Updates*

a. *Quad Day is Sun, Aug 25th.*

This is a great opportunity to get the word out to new students. All
working groups are encouraged to help staff the table and contribute
literature. *Please contact Alex at ucimc.org if you can help.*  We intend to
have an Open House after Quad Day - maybe Sept 7th? - to help connect
students to volunteer opportunities.

b. Investigative Journalism Team

Danielle is spearheading an effort to establish a team of ~12 investigative
"rapid responders" who are fully trained in all the media outlets, FOIA,
journalism and can respond to community needs for information. They will
produce for IMC venues and other outlets and will help to train others.

f. MAGNet

Danielle & Carol traveled to Atlanta to participate in a strategy session
for the Media Action Grassroots Network of which UCIMC is a leader
organization. We want to follow up with a privacy workshop and will be
speaking to Makerspace about partnership.

g. School for Designing a Society

SDAS is launching a collaboration project this Fall - *Performance Facing
Hybrid Problems <http://www.designingasociety.net/upcoming/> *with a focus
on climate change, racism, and the need for experimentation. It will run 3
months with 2 touring shows. Activities will take place at the IMC and
elsewhere in the community. Composition workshop and video production
workshops are part of this vision.


*Design Charette*

We toured IMC Common spaces on the lower level: family room, hallway,
costume closet, underground lounge, and community room.

Costume Closet needs love - better lighting and a revision. Susan is
working on bringing a selection of the costumes back to the room. Danielle
will contact facilities committee about lighting.

We discussed the underground lounge and our desire for it to be a working
space, not primarily a storage space.

*Work party*

We moved the zine library into the underground lounge. There is a need for
another round of improvements.
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