[IMC] Tax Day and Trade-Offs

Jack Curci jcurci at nationalpriorities.org
Tue May 7 20:18:30 UTC 2013


Dear Danielle Chynoweth,

Thank you for your great work at Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center.
As co-founder of an organization devoted to civic engagement, you might be
interested in NPP’s material on how the federal budget impacts communities
on the local and national level.

NPP has released a Tax
to help you see where your 2012 federal income taxes were spent.
This breakdown illustrates how the federal budget is very personal -- it
follows the money from your paycheck to the federal budget and then back to
programs and services in your own community.

This year, in addition, we've launched:


   a tax receipt<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001rkfzKjvcNlrghVLEjEyXeYlUgUrwrY2m8g72PqN4Y2K7slSJg9yNKoRLCR276unB2TGlH7evKeeDjv6r7TbbBEh9hbXaNuG4G0swllmo1vIxEX7YIrs1rtS9TLwysMXg3r1cJD6O9B35uh3qJfmqNrUR1TdGoUHzRV9XP2cDcaM=>so
you can see how you personally contributed to programs ranging from
   to nuclear weapons,

   an all-new version of our popular Trade-Offs
you can see how much taxpayers in your own city or town pay toward a
   variety of federal programs – and what else that money could buy,

   and finally, we've re-released an animated video If Paychecks Could
   if they could, they'd explain that the taxes we pay fund programs like
   clean water, healthcare, and roads and bridges.

Also, compare the President’s 2014
other proposed
2014 budgets<http://nationalpriorities.org/en/analysis/2013/budget-proposals-2014/>from
Rep. Paul Ryan, Sen. Patty Murray, and the House Progressives.

Our Executive Director, Jo Comerford, would be happy to give you a tour of
some of the other new features on the NPP site. Happy to hear back if you
have a moment to connect.

Wishing you well,v*

*Jack Curci
Outreach Associate
National Priorities Project
243 King Street, Suite 109
Northampton, MA 01060

jcurci at nationalpriorities.org
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