[IMC] attn: Board President Danielle Chynoweth re: GSLIS Alternative Spring Break

Lucht, Karla klucht at illinois.edu
Wed Jan 22 16:00:23 UTC 2014

Hi Danielle,

My name is Karla Lucht and I’m assisting our Career Specialist in facilitating applications for the Alternative Spring Break (ASB) program at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS).  With ASB we assist students in finding placements at libraries and other information service settings that are of professional interest to them during the week of our spring break (March 24th-28th). We have a student who has expressed an interest in spending this week working with the UCIMC as a part of this program. Stephanie, the interested student, has some previous experience working with radio stations and libraries, and is curious to see how an organization can combine the two entities.

The experiences for students who participate in this program vary widely depending on student interests, experience levels, and site capacities. Some students find opportunities to shadow and observe, some are able to work on projects or help with routine tasks, while others encounter a bit of both. The student is responsible for all travel and accommodations and this is not a paid experience. As this is a non-credit earning experience, the host and the student are free to arrange any activities for the week that are mutually beneficial.

Do you think hosting a student as a part of this program might be something that you folks might be interested in? I or Roy Brooks, GSLIS Career Specialist, would be happy to discuss the program in more depth and or make a connection to the student to offer additional details about their interest if that would be helpful. If this inquiry should be directed at another member of your team would you point me towards them or pass on?

Thank you for considering!
K a r l a   L u c h t
Doctoral Student &
Academic Advisor
Graduate School of Library & Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
klucht at illinois.edu<mailto:klucht at illinois.edu> | 217.244.3810
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