[IMC] VIDEO: What would peace look like in your community?

Shan Cretin, AFSC actioncenter at afsc.org
Tue Oct 27 15:13:37 EDT 2015

American Friends Service Committee

What would peace look like in your community?


Dear Friend,

We asked some of the young people who work with AFSC--those who will be tomorrow's leaders--a very important question: What would peace look like in your community?

I hope you'll watch this two-minute video to see how a few insightful young people answered this question. Then, you can easily share this video with your friends, family, or social networks to inspire other people to think about this important question.

Click here: http://afsc.org/video/what-would-peace-look-your-community

Thank you for taking the time to watch and share this video. It's an easy way to continue the important conversation about how to bring peace to our world.


Shan Cretin
General Secretary
American Friends Service Committee

WATCH THE VIDEO: http://afsc.org/video/what-would-peace-look-your-community

American Friends Service Committee | 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

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