[Imcamericorps] Fwd: [UCIMC-Finance] [Champ4CS-IL] Human Kinetics CCC Kick-off

Nicole Pion nicole at ucimc.org
Mon Nov 16 23:48:27 CST 2009

Hello AmeriCorps and IMC staff,
Would anyone be interested in attending this event for the IMC on 11/30?  We
are part of Community Shares, a charity like United Way (but better!) that
is a collective of local charities who participate in workplace giving
programs, then share the donations.  Organizations can designate that they
would like to give directly to the IMC through this program, but many people
do not realize that they can, as we are one of 80 charities.  So, it's good
to go and give a quick reminder that the IMC is an option.  Shouldn't be
anything too complicated.

Let me know if you are interested - you would be there with representatives
from other charities and so you'd maybe only have to say a word or tow about
the IMC, or just greet people as the approach the IMC table.  I can help you
prepare and I'd really appreciate it.  You can put your elevator speech to
good use!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick <nick at cs-il.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:54 AM
Subject: [UCIMC-Finance] [Champ4CS-IL] Human Kinetics CCC Kick-off
To: Champ4CS-IL at yahoogroups.com

Hello Champaign members,

As I mentioned to everyone at the regional meeting on Tuesday, we have been
invited to participate in a CCC Kick-off event at Human Kinetics here in
Champaign on November 30. They are a fairly large employer in town, with
roughly 325 employees.

I mentioned to the coordinator at Human Kinetics that several of our local
charities were interested in sending representatives to the kick-off. We are
able to have 1 Combined Charities spokesperson and 1 local charity
spokesperson make brief statements at the kick-off, but others can certainly
attend to help staff our Community Shares table. You can also feel free to
bring materials from your organization for the table, along with our CS

So of the members who said they were interested in attending, does anyone
want to take on the role as the local charity spokesperson?

The kick-off starts at noon on Nov. 30, and we can set up after 11am. It
will be held in a conference room on the 2nd floor in the Human Kinetics
building at 1607 N. Market in Champaign.


Nick Quealy-Gainer

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Nicole Pion
Outreach and Development Adviser
AmeriCorps CTC VISTA
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
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