[Imcamericorps] All AmeriCorps Mtg Mins 12/8/10

Austin McCann austinmccann at ucimc.org
Fri Dec 10 11:52:04 CST 2010

All AmeriCorps Mtg

Attendance: Isak, Aaron, Leon, Kristina, Carl, Tina, Sam, Krist, ZB, Carol,
Austin (Secretary)

   - Isak Griffiths introduction; Shows coordinator
      - Hooray! Welcome!
   - Emergency Plan
      - Carol is bringing an Emergency Plan to Finance (re: weather
      conditions) on Thursday
         - This will go to Steering; IMC has not had a policy before
      - Snow days, heat goes out, &c.
      - (Not Emergency Disaster Response [local])
   - Round robin
      - ZB: Job Fair on Feb. 2nd (Douglass Center gym), need yr help/input
         - Any interested vendors, have them contact me or Krist (
         ksallee at ccrpc.org)
      - Samantha: B2P is working on a table at Art Coop b/c they got a huge
      donation of art books from Art Institute of Chicago; partnering trying to
      get money
         - Junior League grant received
         - Starting w/ New Year; B2P will add a student session
         - Working on spring book sale, too
      - Tina: Jan. 29th winter carnival/Open House (Saturday afternoon
      2-5:00pm); free & open to community
         - Free 45-minute workshops; instrument training, music, dance,
         stuff for little kids, etc.
      - Carl: Coordinating new Women’s/Trans night location, new
      member/volunteer orientation; Feb. 22nd week-long HS student class
      - Kristina: Over the past 5 years, over 1k+ Public i, 6k+ people RFU
         - Dec. 15th Public i submission deadline: Please submit any
         interesting information about projects!
         - WRFU: free CDs at the back of the IMC
      - Leon: Janitorial closet re-organized; working on fire inspection
      responsibilities (big process)
         - When the fire inspection does happen, we need immediate response
         on any
      - Aaron: Setting up entorship project with Latino HS students; event
      January or February
      - Isak: Huge African party on New Years Eve; Isak is trying to get a
      handle on space usage in the building & finding processes for renting
         - If there are things you need, please let Isak know!
      - Carol: Working on next week’s mtg with supervisors; performance
      measure changes (talk about next week)
         - Those who have brought work plans we will look at it
      - Samantha & LeaderCorps
      - Sam met w/ LeaderCorps members across the state; the scope was
      - Nat’l Day of Service committee works on coordinating folks from
      different regions
      - Sam works on Marketing comm: send out newsletters (e.g. LeaderCorps
      newsletter [Sam’s job]), Sam works on new ways of communicating what’s
      happening across the state
         - Working on creating a color-coded map for different projects so
         that people understand which projects are next to them (more
useful for
         other regions in IL; ours is relatively sparse)
      - Reach out to other non-profits locally & support new AmeriCorps
         - We can support our AmeriCorps through our grant
      - After we put out our first newsletter, we’re going to try & figure
      out how to make better connections between different projects
   - LeaderCorps/MLK
      - We met 3 weeks ago & decided that we wanted to do an event with the
      don Moyers Boys & Girls club involving bringing 15 kids here:
one training
      w/ Carl, one training w/ Brian
         - Fall-back plan: painting walls somewhere re: to Housing Authority
      - Carol encourages folks to look up MLK Day of Service & find out best
      ways of engaging this project; we want all members engaged in a
         - There may be other things we can do for the Boys & Girls Club
         based on their needs
      - ZB is waiting on Plan A before he checks with the Housing Authority;
      Carol will follow-up on that
      - Sam: We talked about having an MLK remembrance sort of thing
      - Kristina: Carol’s concern is that 10 members serving 15 kids is not
      a good way for all of us to be engaged in a hands-on project
      - ZB: I think we ought to make a plan, then include the kids in the
      plan; we make a schedule that is viable for who we are and what we do,
      then we can communicate that to Deborah
      - Carol: I will talk to Deborah McFarland & clarify our objectives;
      find out what their MLK Day plan & find out stuff like can they
      transport children? , etc.
         - ZB: We also do want to look at a Plan B
         - Carol: I can put together a Plan B myself, but the intent is that
         y’all had the chance to invent a plan for the day!
      - Work plan training
      - [Secretary can’t take notes b/c he is training]

Austin McCann, Development Adviser
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center <http://www.ucimc.org>
Digital Arts Service Corps <http://www.digitalartscorps.org>
202 S. Broadway Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 344-8820
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