[Imcamericorps] Playground Build

Samantha Copeland scope83 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 11:42:52 CDT 2010

Hello all,

Here are the details for the Build day

Build Day (Sept. 25)
8am-3pm (Ribbon Cutting @ 2:30)
Build Captains need to arrive at 6:15 am.
Jobs: moving mulch, mixing cement, assembling playground equipment and
building side projects (fence, picnic tables, benches, etc)

Breakfast and Lunch are provided. If you have certain food preferences let
me know and I'll pass that along.

Parking is to the south of the site. Then there will be a registration area.
 On Build day there will be signs to guide people. The cross streets of the
site are Campbell and Kingsway. The actual address so you can look for
directions is 2603 Campbell Drive.

People will be in groups of 4-5 people to work.

Good things to bring: Water bottle (I'm sure water is provided),
comfortable closed toe shoes (sneakers or workboots), gloves if you want
them, bandanna (for your head or to wipe face hands etc.) sunscreen, band
aids if you think you need them (there will be a first aid place but I
usually bring my own anyway), and very comfortable clothes.

The 30N Lavender will take you there for those on the bus. I would recommend
car pooling because taking the bus mean a 7am departure and getting there at
7:30 to be there on time. The stop is at Campbell and Queensway.

For those interested here are the details of Prep days

Prep Day 1 (Sept 23):
8am-4 ish
Build Captain training from 12-1pm
Jobs will be: cutting wood, sorting wood into projects, sorting hardware,
unloading and labeling playground equipment, etc.

Prep Day 2 (Sept. 24) (buffer day if everything is not prepped on Prep Day
8am-4ish (or whenever finished!)
Jobs: same as prep day 1

Again Breakfast and Lunch are provided. Also, food preferences are an

Parking is the same. Site and directions are the same.

See above for recommendation of things to bring.

On weekdays the 3N Lavender goes here but the first one will not get you
there till 8:30. The actual stop is at Campbell and Queensway which is only
a block from the site.

She did ask for a count of people for prep days so if you guys can let me
know. Especially if you don't plan on coming until the afternoon or you only
plan on being there in the morning. You can come and leave at any time but I
think the reason for the count is for food purposes. If you won't know to
closer I don't think its a huge deal for one more person but if you
know now that would be great.

Sorry for the lengthy email. I hope that covers everything if not feel free
to ask questions.

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