[Imcamericorps] AmeriCorps Service Project - BTP book sale setup

Judith Pond judith.pond at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 16:11:22 CDT 2010

Hi all;

Carol has approved helping set up for the book sale as an AmeriCorps service
project. Thanks in advance for your help; this is a huge undertaking for us,
and will bring in much-needed money to continue shipping books to prisoners,
so consider yourselves part of the solution! Hooray!

The sale will run:

Friday, October 1, 4-8pm
Saturday, October 2, 8am-5pm
Sunday, October 3, 10am-2pm

Please do come, invite friends, and hand out flyers liberally. There are
stacks of them by the staffing desk and downstairs in the BTP space, and you
can also ask me or Sam. Help us advertise!

*Service project details:*

We need you to help us set up. This will entail moving boxes of books from
our storage spaces downstairs, and setting them out nicely on the tables
upstairs. Check out the following times, and let me know when you're
available. Wednesday night and Thursday morning are the priority slots, so
please take these times if you can.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 7:30pm-9pm ---- Setting out tables and
bringing up some of the boxes. *We could use 3-5 people. *

Thursday, September 30, 2010, 9am-12pm ---- Bringing up the rest of the
boxes, setting the books out. *We could use 5-8 people. *

Thursday, September 30, 2010, 1pm-5pm ---- Setting out books. *We could use
4-5 people. *

Please email me back and let me know when you'll be here. Don't forget to
count these hours, too!

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Judith Pond
Outreach Coordinator
Books to Prisoners
(708) 782-4608
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