[Imcamericorps] The #4

leon mcgee leonmcgeeamericorps at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 13:24:19 CST 2011

Sorry if you get double of this.

Hi all,

Last night at Steering my point was not made clear about why the number 4
keys need to be pulled. It also got diverted to where it appeared to only an
issue between me and shows group. That is wrong. It is an issue for the
entire building. The #4 key opens the janitor room in the basement for those
who don't know. It houses all major cleaning and maintenance items. That was
my understanding when I got the job. But when I saw the room, it was a
wreck. It was being use for personal storage for anyone who had or has a
key. It was not at all organized. It was pretty much the "Dump my extra
stuff room". That is not its purpose. Its purpose is to house the cleaning
and maintenance items.  Unlike other working groups, no one appears to be
interested in joining a building maintenance working group.  I know, the
past AmeriCorps member experienced some of the same issues.

Seeing that its purpose is for janitor/ maintenance use, there really isn't
a reason for everyone have a key to it but the maintenance crew. It is our
storage room for  supplies, equipment, and building materials. However, what
I've experienced is people to see the value of what I and the township
people do to attempt to make the building a clean and safe place.  We have
had to order products to frequently because of people using to much of a
product (bleach, TNT, mop detergent) than necessary. That can get costly.

I am recommending a reduction in access to ensure that the few items we do
have can be retained as long as possible.  Damaged items, constant
re-ordering of supplies that should last us at minimum a month or so, drives
our maintenance costs up, which ultimately drives everyones costs up.  Mrs.
Ammons bought us a vacuum, since the previous one was broken.

My goal is to get new equipment to help with in house fixing, cleaning, or
what ever the case may be. I would like to have a secure place for the NEW
products.  The point is to have what we need to clean when the  crew and I
need it. A secure place will also let me know that hey, only such and such
have access to the room. No one else can be blamed except authorized
personnel. Now at yesterday's Steering, I don't think that it was officially
decided to retrieve all the #4 keys.  So maybe this explanation might help
some who feel that I am asking to much.

Building Coordinator
Leon McGee
202 S Broadway
Urbana, IL 61801
Leonmcgeeamericorps at gmail.com
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