[Imcamericorps] End of Year Celebration-8-9-12

Lolita Dumas lolita at books2prisoners.org
Tue Jul 3 23:43:28 UTC 2012

Hello All,

This email is being sent on behalf of Carol Ammons:

As we begin to near the end of our term, we need to plan for our end of the
year celebration in August. The date has been changed from  Friday, Aug. 10
to Thursday, Aug 9 as Carol will not be available on August 10th.

The End of the Year Celebration will take place at Meadow Brook Pavilion on
Windsor and Vine in Urbana. We have the Park from 3-8pm. Allison has
graciously offered her husband to grill for us. Thanks, Allison!!!

As far as the menu, there are a total of 9 of us and I'd like everyone to
take a look at what is needed and decide which item you'd like to bring.

*One person to bring Paper products (plates, cups, napkins, silverware)*
*One person to bring drinks(approximately 4-8 (2 liters) with variety)*
*Two people to bring side dishes ( I will bring a pasta dish so we only
need one more person in this category)*
*Three people to bring meat/items to grill(Carol is bringing veggie/turkey
burgers so we need only two more people in this category)*
*Two people to bring dessert items*

Our next All Americorps meeting is 7/18/12 at noon, please come prepared to
commit to a dish or feel free to reply to me on this email if you decide
before then.

I thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Lolita M. Dumas, MSW
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