[Imsahp-users] New web server migration day October 2nd...

dan blah dan.blah at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 16:04:01 CDT 2006

Hey all,

We are just about completed with migrating existing web pages hosted
by imsahp to a newer machine.  On the 2nd expect intermittent access
to hosted web sites.  Over the next couple weeks till hosted sites
will start showing up on the new server with the www2.yourdomain.com
address.  As server administrators we will be doing basic testing of
the hosted sites looking for major issues but might miss some issues
that are webmasters responsibilities.

Things we will need from users to allow access to the new server:
Full name
Website(s) you admin
Company that owns the website
Phone Number
Company Address/Webmaster Address
Non chambana.net email address
Existing chambana.net email address
U-C IMC Member status
Any account specific things your web site requires.

Why all this information you ask?  Well, I have full intent of
actually making a chambana.net client list for both turning
http://www.chambana.net into a portal page for all the sites hosted on
our servers as well as soliciting all the users for donations towards
upgrading our current ISP... unless everyone is happy to stay with
Insight :)

For sites that require multiple users please specify the technical
lead.  Unless otherwise requested, your username will be the first
letter of your first name and your last name ie Dan Blah would be

New users initial login will only be with a ssh key.  After the
initial login users can change their password securely within the
shell.  For help generating an ssh key please take a look at
http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX109009 for Windows systems using
the PuTTY application and http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX109008
for UNIX like systems with openSSH installed.

Note the major system environment changes from Debian Linux with a 2.6
kernel with Apache 1.3, PHP 4, and MySQL 4 running on single 700Mhz
processor with 640MB of RAM to system using FreeBSD 6.1 with Apache 2,
PHP 5, and MySQL 5 running on a quad PIII Xeon 550Mhz processor old
server, 2048MB of RAM, SCSI and redundant everything (thanks Seth!).

Also note, we are only replacing web services on imsahp.  imsahp will
still remain the mail server and at this point we don't plan on
removing any users or data from imsahp but after the 2nd no data will
be synced between imsahp and the new web server.

If anyone has any questions, concerns, and/or things I failed to
mention please let me know.


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