[Livingwage] I need your support.

Ken Urban kurban at parkland.edu
Mon Mar 3 09:37:10 CST 2003

Hi all,

I need your support to win this election. 

- I need lawn signs up in Champaign.  Bruno put up close to 200 in a
day.  If you have a lawn, or know of someone who woud be willing to put
up a Ken Urban for City Council sign, call them.  I'll get them
delivered and put up quickly!

- I need people willing to walk precincts, even if it's a couple of
blocks around your house, that'll make a HUGE difference. I've walked 2,
10 and 11, but I'll never to everyone on my own.

A large victory in this campaign will send a message to Bruno and
others opposed to living wage that the people want it!   On April 8, my 
talk for Living Wage will be more impressive I've gotten the most votes!


home: 355-2098 (best in the morning  ... leave a message)
office: 353-2246 (2-4 Tues, 2-6 Thurs)
kurban at parkland.edu 

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