[Livingwage] meeting, past and present

Belden Fields a-fields at uiuc.edu
Tue May 20 12:21:17 CDT 2003

Dear Livingwagers,

	I want to apologize for not making the last meeting.  I was out of town 
and I forgot to send out a reminder before I left.  Some very important 
issues were discussed by the few people who did attend.  I have talked with 
my co-coordinator Carolyn, and we wondered whether people would be free to 
meet on Saturday June 14.  I am aware that this is not the third Saturday 
of the month, but it is a day that both Carolyn and I will be in town. 
Please confirm to me that you CAN come  on this day so that we can 
determine whether this will work or whether we will have to find another 
day to meet in June.
	Thank you all.  I do apologize for my slipping up this  month.

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