[Livingwage] conference and collaboration

Liberation Education liberationeducation at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 6 01:38:53 CST 2004

To educators, parents, activists, organizers, artists,


April 9-11, 2004 Urbana, IL
When is Education Liberating?
Session Two: Putting Standards to the Test
(description below)

Because we want this event to meet the desires of its
participants, we are inviting you to help design it.
Please attend our first open planning meeting on
Tuesday, Feb. 11th at 5pm, at the Independent Media
Center (218 W. Main St. Urbana). We are also
continuing to accept proposals for workshops,
discussions, and presentations.

If you are interested but cannot attend, or if you
wnat more information about our group (Liberation
Education) please let us know so we can keep you
posted about future meetings and events. 

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter,

Beth Simpson
Co-Organizer, Liberation Education

Putting Standards to the Test

A conference and convergence to...

...explore and share the effects of:
-legal standards such as No Child Left Behind
-standardized testing
-expectations and punishments of behavior, especially
as pertains to race

...on teachers, students, and communities...

...and find out:
-what choices we have
-what we want and what we're doing about it
-how we can share support each other's work

This event is aimed at:
-people who are involved in public schools
-people involved with democratic and alternative
schools (e.g. freedom schools, homeschooling, etc.)
-people who are concerned with the intersection of
race and education
-people who have experienced learning as a power
-people interested in education being a creative
and generative process rather than a tool for

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