[Makerspace-keymembers] Fwd: AGORA Festival: Your participation in Downtown Open House!

Jeffrey Putney quaker at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 10:26:01 EDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grace Kenney <grace.r.kenney at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 5:59 PM
Subject: AGORA Festival: Your participation in Downtown Open House!
To: Joy Rust <marketing at commonground.coop>, kathryn fitzgerald <
kathryn at amarayoga.com>, Joshua Boyd <thebutcheruc at gmail.com>,
flyingmachinecoffee at gmail.com, Matthew Kitzmiller <urbanapizzam at gmail.com>,
Bike Project Contact <thebikeproject at gmail.com>, carolyn at cinemagallery.cc,
Makerspace Urbana <makerspaceu at gmail.com>, Jacqueline Hannah <
jacqueline at commonground.coop>, "KennyMarquez, Natalie" <
nmkennymarquez at urbanaillinois.us>, Cynthia Chandler <ed at urbanabusiness.com>,
urbana acupuncture <urbana.acu at gmail.com>, Jeffrey Putney <quaker at gmail.com>

Dear AGORA Festival Downtown Open House Participants,

We are very excited to be hosting this year's event with you for the first
time! I've been so honored at the feedback and willingness to participate,
and can't wait to see how our local community interacts with business,
groups, and all the exciting projects going on!

Just a few housekeeping things before Saturday morning:

* I've been dropping off* AGORA Festival posters* to each business - if you
for some reason haven't gotten one, let me know, and when's best to bring
one by!
* I've also dropped off some *fest passes* to most locations. These you can
hand out to anyone who crosses your path - encourage them to come to the
events and to participate in the DT Open House - they need to get 9/10
logos checked off at each place to enter the raffle! *Raffle submissions
can be dropped off at Cafeteria & Company on the day of the event*. I will
bring by a *colored marker* tomorrow or Wednesday that you can use to check
off your logo (if you are a participating vendor).
* Additionally in the next day or two, I'll be bringing by a
*one-pager*with the AGORA Festival logo on it with a *short
writeup of how your business/org is focused on collaboration*. If you like
it, post it up on your wall on Saturday. If not, let me know in advance,
and I'll change the wording before Saturday!
* Last things: please tweet us out on your Twitter and post on Facebook
about the events! Our *Twitter* is https://twitter.com/AGORAFestival and
the *Facebook* event is: https://www.facebook.com/events/704182409637879/.

*Questions/concerns?* I realize not all of you have all the materials, but
will be working with you individually to make sure you get everything in
time! Just remember: *fest passes can only be checked off on Saturday and
they need to be dropped off at Cafeteria & Company*.

Let me know how I can best work with you to get you prepared for the
upcoming events, and I do so hope to see you on Friday and Saturday! I'll
be swinging by during the day to check in, in case you have any
unforeseeable issues.

*Please don't hesitate to email/call me at 217.552.3948 <217.552.3948>.*

Thank you again for your collaboration, and see you soon!


Grace Kenney
AGORA Festival

Jeffrey Putney
Senior Software Engineer
Diagnostic Photonics
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