[Makerspace-keymembers] Fwd: Collaboration-focused minifest!

Jeffrey Putney quaker at gmail.com
Sun Mar 30 18:40:11 UTC 2014

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From: "Grace Kenney" <grace.r.kenney at gmail.com>
Date: Mar 27, 2014 8:32 PM
Subject: Collaboration-focused minifest!
To: <makerspaceu at gmail.com>

Dear friends over at Makerspace:

My name is Grace Kenney and I'm an Urbana resident working on some
community development projects, particularly a minifest in May focusing on
the spirit of collaboration seen within our community. We want to highlight
local businesses, organizations, groups, and people who are doing their
work in a collaborative/collective fashion throughout a day filled with

* a downtown open house,
* Pecha-Kucha style presentations,
* panel, and
* music performances.

I've outlined quite a few local entities that we want to include in this
fest/fair but wanted to touch base with you early as I know about the
awesome work of Makerspace (I have a couple of friends who frequent it and
have only heard good things!) and think this would be an excellent way to
highlight the great things going on, as well as educate people about how
Makerspace came to be, and spur greater engagement!

I was wondering if I could meet with you to discuss this project/fest
further (if of interest to you!) in the next week, if possible. I'd greatly
value your insight as well as potential participation in this as I see
Makerspace as a place that exemplifies these concepts already, in several

Thanks for your time, and hope to hear from you soon.

(217) 552-3948
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