[Makerspace-keymembers] August Membership Meeting [Aug 30 Minutes]

Gergana Slavova gergana.s.slavova at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 19:48:01 EDT 2015

Attendees: Jeff, Star, Barry, Gergana, Emily, Amy, Andy, Paul, Sharne

   - Opens
      - Post instructubles for workshops on the website
         - Will not happen; take off the list
         - Heartland Maker Fest 2014 t-shirts available for sale
      - Mark them down to $5
         - Regular website posts
         - Consider moving the blog to a subpage; have a new home page (
      - Please turn off 3D printers after usage! (*Jeff *to create a sign)
- Membership/Financial Update
      - Welcome to new members: Paul and Sharne!
      - Financial status and future plans
         - No update from the IMC, should be ok though
         - Reimbursement: please complete this form
      the IMC form to get reimbursed
      - Funding ideas
      - Grants
            - Community Champions
            (*Emily* will take a look)
            - Open Champaign collaboration (*Jeff *to get more details;
            Gergana can help after Sept 10)
            - Equipment
         - Acquired: Laminator, Dremel
         - Needed: MU table cloth, chains for jewelry + lobster claws
         - Do a good inventory for the website (during clean-up day)
            - Create signs for:
         - Done for 3D printer usage rules, "did you enjoy the space",
            snacks/soda (*Emily *to print)
            - Rules for using/checking out the raspberry pi kits
            - Help Desk
      - Deposited $100 last week, doing well
      - RFID lock project
      - No update due to internet issues
      - Py-CU
      - No update - no rep
      - Chambana.net
      - John has taken over leadership, moving forward later this year
      - Will exhibit at Maker Fest 2015
      - Past events
      - Summer Make-a-tion 2015
         - Arduino (Sat, Aug 1) - 15 people attended
         - Jewelry making workshop (Sat, Aug 8) - 7 people attended
         - Game Night (Friday, Aug 7 @ 7pm)
      - GirlZone workshop (Sunday, Aug. 2 @ 9:15am)
      - Innovation LLC freshman orientation workshop (Thurs, Aug. 20,
         - Went great, did soldering + jewelry making
         - Upcoming/potential events
      - Game Night (Friday, Sept 4 @ 7pm)
      - Innovation LLC workshop (Friday, Sept 11, 4:30pm)
      - CU Pride Fest (Saturday, Sept. 19)
      - Heartland Maker Fest 2015 (Sat, Oct. 3)
      - IMC anniversary event (Oct. 11)
         - Will do extended open hours and a workshop; need to RSVP
         (*Gergana *to check)
         - Volunteers welcome!  See the email from Danielle.
      - Sustainability workshop - Emily to host (Sat, Oct. 17 @ 1-3pm)
      - IMC Masquerade collab with WRFU
      - Saturday Open Hours rotation (11am - 1pm): sign up here
      <http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050845ADAC23AA8-saturday> through
      December 2015!
         - If you're signed up, don't forget to also create the Facebook
      - Clean-up day (Sat, Sept 12 @ 1-3pm)

If I missed anything, respond back.

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