[Makerspace-keymembers] Fwd: Make-a-thon Coordinating Meeting 012615 Recap

Emily Knox emilyknox at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 10:53:03 EST 2015

Hi everyone,

I'll be out of town on April 11th and 12th. Is someone else able to take
this over and get in touch with Zonghe?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zonghe Chua <chuazh at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 11:25 PM
Subject: Make-a-thon Coordinating Meeting 012615 Recap
To: ginger at illinois.edu, "Sachdev, Vishal" <vishal at illinois.edu>, Emily
Knox <emilyknox at gmail.com>, David Weightman <diw at illinois.edu>, Cameron
Alberg <cameronalberg at gmail.com>, Sahil Kumar <slkr95 at gmail.com>, Pat East <
pat at thecudo.org>, yoojin at thecudo.org, elizter2 at illinois.edu

Dear all,

Thank you for those who could come today. I think we made a lot of headway
in developing a shared vision for what we hope this event will achieve and
I am really energized by the enthusiasm. I have edited the meeting minutes
to include a summary of main points discussed and also a task table. *Please
review the task table to see what tasks you need to track/execute before
the next meeting*. If there are any inputs into the delegation of
responsibilities (which was based of the minutes and also a rough idea of
the verbal exchanges) do let me know.

The next meeting has been scheduled for the *Feb 9th 6pm-7.30pm.* This
seems to be a time that people are available.

P.S Emily, hope you can review the minutes and give some input into how we
can include the expectations of Makerspace Urbana and also any leads or
contributions you might have.

Link to the minutes:

Zonghe Chua
Mechanical Engineering | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2015
Studio Lead | Design for America UIUC
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