[Makerspace-keymembers] Fwd: Visit to Orpheum Summer Camp?

Jeffrey Putney quaker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 00:02:19 EDT 2015

Here's an interesting opportunity:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Education Coordinator <orpheumkids.education at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 5:37 PM
Subject: Visit to Orpheum Summer Camp?
To: makerspaceu at gmail.com

Good afternoon!

My name is Jenny Gleason and I am the new Education Coordinator at the
Orpheum Children's Science Museum.  We have three more session of summer
camp- two weeks of LEGO camp and one Engineering camp- and we'd love to
have you for a visit!

The first session of LEGO camp runs July 6-10 and we'll be building with
WeDo kits and doing some beginning robotics.  The second session runs July
13-17 and will involve more robotics and Mindstorm kits.  Engineering Camp
runs from July 20-24 and we'll be building all kinds of different things,
from marshmallow bridges to Rube Goldberg machines, and even doing some
basic Scratch programming.

After reading a bit about Makerspace Urbana, it sounds like you have lots
of different members with very diverse interests!  Do any of these topics
sound up your alley?  I'd love to have a guest demonstration of some kind
during one (or more!) of the weeks.  Perhaps showing the use of your 3D
printer, or talking about upcycling to build new machines for Engineering
camp.  Please let me know what you think.

Thanks for your time.  I look forward to hearing from you!


Jenny Gleason
Education Coordinator
Orpheum Children's Science Museum
*orpheumkids.education at gmail.com <orpheumkids.education at gmail.com>*
346 North Neil St.
Champaign, IL 61820
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