[Makerspace-keymembers] November Membership Meeting [Nov. 29 Minutes]

Gergana Slavova gergana.s.slavova at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 20:37:24 EST 2015

So many delicious foods were discussed this evening!

Attendees: Emily, Amy, Andy, Barry, Mike, Stewart, Gergana


   - Opens
      - Heartland Maker Fest 2015 t-shirts available for sale
      - Create static home page for makerspaceurbana.org
      - Membership/Financial Update
      - New member nominations: welcome to Mike B!
      - Financial status and future plans
         - In good financial state, $9807 in bank
         - Will send out general ask for Giving Tuesday (December 1)
      - Reimbursement: please complete this form
       + the IMC form to get reimbursed
      - Funding ideas
      - Grants
            - Community Champions
             (Emily will take a look)
               - Not for Maker Fest, good for small activity in the
               community ($500)
               - Open Champaign collaboration (*Jeff *to get more details)
            - Equipment
         - Acquired: None
         - Needed: MU table cloth
         - Equipment inventory for the website [DONE]
         - Create signs for:
            - "did you enjoy the space"
            - New membership sign - will be placed by whiteboard [DONE]
            - Rules for using/checking out the raspberry pi kits
               - $20 deposit to take out small kit, put hold on Square for
               things that are more expensive (*Amy *will look this up)
               - Need to make a sign + update the website

   - Help Desk
      - Nothing new, has been slow lately
      - *Barry *will make event on the MU Facebook page for the next couple
      of times
      - RFID lock project
      - Py-CU was locked out two weeks ago, need to get this project
   - Py-CU
   - Chambana.net
   - Past events
      - Soldering party for art install (Sun, Nov. 1 @ 1pm)
      - B&N Mini Maker Faire (Sun, Nov. 8 @ 1pm)
      - Clean-up Day (Sat, Nov. 14 @ 1-3pm)
      - Sewing Night (Mon, Nov. 16 @ 6-9pm)
      - Upcoming/potential events
      - Ornament Making (Sat, Dec. 5 @ 1pm)
      - Wand-making workshop w/ Orpheum (Jan '16)
      - Mead/brewing workshop w/ SCA (Sun, Jan. 31) - group is 'for' doing
      this, will touch base with Dena on details
      - Madison Maxey @ the Makerspace (Feb '16) - *Emily *will get in
      touch with FabLab re: activity week of Feb 1-5
      - CU Make with UIUC Makers (2016) - working on picking a theme now
      - Summer camp for girls with the Orpheum (Summer '16) - keep on the
      schedule, will wait to hear back closer to date
      - Saturday Open Hours rotation (11am - 1pm): sign up here
      <http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050845ADAC23AA8-saturday> through
      December 2015!
         - If you're signed up, don't forget to create the FB event
         - Other things of interest
      - Annual IMC Membership Gathering (Sun, Dec. 6 @ 2-4:30pm)
         - Barry has been nominated as the Makerspace Urbana to the IMC
         board.  Thanks, Barry!

If I missed anything, just respond back!

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