[Makerspace-keymembers] Co-Sponsor This Speaker Series?

Emily Knox emilyknox at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 21:37:16 EST 2016

Hi all,

Please let me know if you are willing to have Makerspace Urbana co-sponsor
(non-financial) the series discussed below.

Anita Chan is doing a lot of the planning for it and the first speaker is
Anne Balsamo:




* Dialogues Speakers Series: Methods for Designing more Inclusive Design*

Thinking about design, talking about design and doing design should be a

 part of what we do at Illinois. It is in our history. Pioneers designed
our University 150 years ago, and ever since, numerous innovators have
designed products, concepts, experiences and ways of teaching that have
 transformed our world. We have various new

 design initiatives being undertaken today. The aim of this speaker series
is to contribute to this exciting set of activities by highlighting a
number of aspects of the design process that may sometimes be marginalized
or overlooked by some. We want to invite

 speakers who can help us all think about how to make the design process
more inclusive - and then act to design for ever more inclusive design.
Inclusive design is not achieved by simply saying “we are inclusive”. It
needs explicit design interventions. We

 hope that the speakers can help us recognize the already existing
diversity of design activities that we have, and inform the design of more
effective design settings, design pedagogy and design methods.
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