[Makerspace-keymembers] February Membership Meeting [Feb. 28 Minutes]

Gergana Slavova gergana.s.slavova at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 21:29:36 EST 2016

Attendees: Jeff, Amy, Barry, Gergana, Mitch, Emily


   - Opens
      - Heartland Maker Fest 2015 t-shirts for sale!
      - [DONE] Create static home page for makerspaceurbana.org (thanks,
         - Jeff is making it prettier; also will add RACES fundraiser to
         main page
         - We're making a BB droid!  Join us on Saturdays @ 1pm.
      - Barry is our rep to the IMC Board - if you have any IMC concerns,
      get in touch with him.
      - Membership/Financial Update
      - New member nominations: None
      - Financial status and future plans
         - Don't have the full financial plan yet, waiting on IMC
         - Should gear up our fundraising again
            - On hold for now since we're fundraising for RACES
            - *Jeff *will start pulling Stripe and Square reports monthly,
            would like to see what our avg monthly income is for the
next 6 months
            - If we want to become a 501(c)3, can look at School Factory
            - Signed new lease with IMC until Sept 30 (rent is $328)!
      (thanks, Emily!)
      - Funding requests
         - Should be ok on the BB-217 funding for now
         - Reimbursement: please complete this form
       + the IMC form to get reimbursed
      - Funding ideas
         - Grants
            - If we apply for grants, should check with the IMC
         - Write to UIUC Extension office that we have a local Maker Fest
         [DONE by Emily]
            - No response, will ping them
            - Equipment
         - Acquired: None
         - Needed: MU table cloth (in progress), button supplies
         - Create signs for:
            - "did you enjoy the space" + "sign the guestbook" signs (*Emily
            *to talk to Jeff)
            - Rules for using/checking out the raspberry pi kits
               - Group ok with checking out kits, no money (Emily will buy
               the cards) [DONE]
               - Need to make a sign + update the website
            - Help Desk
      - Doing ok on funds, getting steady traffic
      - RFID lock project
      - Noisebridge RFID lock source code is on their website - might be
      worth exploring?
      - No other updates, project is on hold
      - Py-CU
      - Move to Saturdays have been working well
      - Chambana.net
      - No update
      - Past events
   - Sewing Night (Mon, Feb. 15 @ 6pm)
   - Upcoming/potential events
      - Arduino workshop w/ Mitch Altman (Sunday, Mar. 6 @ 1pm)
         - Mitch is also teaching workshops Mar. 3 to 15 (7:30pm onward) @
         Unit One - come help!
         - CU Make with UIUC Makers (Apr 2-3)j - need volunteers!  Keep an
      eye on the Facebook page if you're interested.
      - RACES fundraiser (ends Mar 20): DONATE NOW
   - Decatur Mini Maker Faire (Sat, Apr 9) - *Gergana *to send an email to
      the list gauging interest
      - Mead/brewing workshop
         - Makerspace will provide volunteers, general help - will split
         the proceeds
         - Dena needs to set a date of when she'd like to do it (*Emily *to
         talk to Dena)
         - Fidget quilts
      community project - would like to do a workshop (target June)
      - Makerspace co-sponsoring "Methods for Designing more Inclusive
      Design" speaker series
      - Wand-making workshop w/ Orpheumn (*Gergana *to email the Orpheum
      - Makerspace Art @ the Market (Summer '16) - applied, no word yet on
      whether it was accepted
      - Summer camp for girls with the Orpheum (Summer '16)
      - Heartland Maker Fest 2016 (Saturday, Oct. 1)
      - Saturday Open Hours rotation (11am - 1pm): sign up here
      <http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050845adac23aa8-saturday2> through
      May 2016!
   - Other things of interest
      - Ariel Waldman lecture
      <https://www.facebook.com/events/172126613161399/>, Tuesday (Mar 1 @
      4pm) at Alice Campbell Alumni Center

If I missed anything, just respond back.

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