[Newspoetry] Bush administration hits a triple on the apall-o-meter

Robert Porter bwp61 at ix.netcom.com
Sat Aug 10 08:39:31 CDT 2002

Over the last few days, the Bush mob has risen above it's usual level of
outrageous behavior on three seperate occasions:

    1.  Remember when you thought your medical records were private?  Dream
        on, pal!  Your HMO finds that inconvenient, so their friends in the
        White House are just gonna go ahead and waive those pesky patients'

    2.  Keeping in line with their basic philosophical tenet, "the law is
        for other people",  The Bush foreign policy team, with a little help
        from their friends in Congress, have threatened to cut off military
        aid to countries that don't want to give American soldiers a free
        pass.  World Criminal Court?  Not for us, thanks.

    3.  Finally, the Bush Navy is getting ready to terminally deafen
        multitudes of marine mammals with it's new sonar toy. Just to make
        it extra obnoxious, they're claiming that once they get three miles
        offshore they can do any damn thing they want, no matter what
        environmental impact it may have.

The apall-o-meter is now overloaded and has to watch cartoons for the rest
of the day.

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