[OccupyCU] tax day protest invitation - Tues April 17th

Ricky Baldwin rbaldwin at seiu73.org
Thu Apr 12 15:45:15 UTC 2012

Fellow Occupiers,

My union and a statewide "StandUp Coalition" (that is focussed on ditching Illinois's so-called "flat" tax rate in favor of taxing the rich more) would like to invite you and anybody you could bring to a small protest and leaflet-passing event at the main Champaign Post Office this coming Tuesday April 17th, 4-6pm.

This is a simple one.  If we would like "Occupy C-U" to be a co-sponsor, that's fine.  If not, we'd be happy if some folks just show up and mayber help pass out some leaflets.

The issue is this: in Illinois we have, on paper, a "flat" tax, i.e. everybody pays a flat 5% or their income.  In reality, the 1% pays considerably less than than that - usually half or less - because of deductions for business expenses, tax shelters of various kinds, and because some more expensive items they have access to are not taxed like the items the rest of us buy (diaper service as opposed to buying diapers, for example).  That's not even counting the huge chunk of the 1%'s income that doesn't "count" as income because it comes from capital gains.

What this means in practice is that Illinois relies more heavily on other taxes - like sales taxes - that hit the poor harder.  Once again, the poor pay more.

I probably don't need to belabor the point to you guys.  But I do want to point out that even in Mississippi, where I'm from, the state has three tax tiers - 3% for low income, 4% for the middle, and 5% for the wealthy - far more progressive than the Illinois "flat" tax.  And most states around Illinois have more progressive taxes, too.

So that's the issue.  If you want to come out, I'd personally love to see some fellow Occupiers there.  Thanks!

Para el pueblo-

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