[OccupyCU] Fwd: PDA December letter drop--last time in IL-15

s.hansen at comcast.net s.hansen at comcast.net
Tue Dec 18 15:43:17 UTC 2012

Hey friends from OcCUpy, 

I forgot about this direct action being put together by PDA for this  Wed. at TJ's office at 11:30am.    I will not be able to make it because of cronic pain class, but thought I would pass info on to you in case anyone wants to go over.  Someone broght it up at last nites meeting, that something was going on at TJ's, and I thought you guys were talking about last weeks CCHCC action there.  I forgot about this one being put together for tomorrow mid-day.  I realize it  is a PDA action, but the topic is not un appropriate to our goals, so thought some might be interested if you are not busy with something else. 


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "D.K. Schrishuhn" <alaraarabians at gmail.com> 
To: "s hansen" <s.hansen at comcast.net> 
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 3:43:16 AM 
Subject: PDA December letter drop--last time in IL-15 

Dear Sandra, 

Progressive Democrats of America is organizing letter drops to more 
than 100 members of Congress across the nation to promote Prosperity 
Not Austerity. There are three ways to participate—and doing one is as 
helpful as doing all three: 
1. Respond to this email and I will add your name as a signatory on 
the letter. We’d like to have at least 50 people step up and put their 
names on our letter to Rep. Tim Johnson. 
2. Meet us at Rep. Johnson’s Champaign office, 2004 Fox Drive, 
Wednesday, December 19, at 11:30 A.M. and help us deliver the letter. 
3. On Wednesday afternoon, call Rep. Johnson’s office at (217) 
403-4690, and ask if his office received the Prosperity Not Austerity 
letter from local constituents and supporters of Progressive Democrats 
of America. Voice your support for the letter’s goals, and let me know 
that you made a call. 
Here’s the text of the letter: 
To: Hon. Timothy V. Johnson December 19, 2012 
From: Constituents of IL-15 
Re: Prosperity Not Austerity 

Dear Rep. Johnson: 

We are voters in your Congressional District and supporters of 
Progressive Democrats of America. We are part of a broad, national 
coalition engaging members of Congress in a nationwide campaign for 
Prosperity not Austerity. We are writing to inform you about our views 
on critically important issues, and asking you to support common sense 
legislation to promote economic growth, preserve essential programs, 
and help lower the national debt. 

We are primarily focused on the "Deal for All" (H.Res. 733) and the 
Financial Speculation Tax (H.R. 6411) as well as other measures to 
invest in our people, and redirect weapons and war spending to address 
human needs such as education, job creation, and health care. We 
specifically call upon you to cosponsor the following legislation and 

1. Let the Bush tax cuts and payroll tax cuts expire, and replace them 
with H.R. 6411, the "Inclusive Prosperity Act" (aka the Financial 
Speculation or "Robin Hood" Tax), and fair income tax cuts--limited to 
the first $250,000 of income, with income above that level subject to 
Clinton Era tax rates. 

2. Support the "Deal for All" (H.Res. 733), the fair, common sense 
alternative to the "fiscal cliff" / automatic sequester "bad deal." 

3. Prevent any cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid including 
benefits, COLAs, or eligibility--as well as pass bills to expand and 
improve Medicare including H.R. 676, the "Expanded & Improved Medicare 
For All Act" and H.R. 1200 the "American Health Security Act." 

4. Cut weapons spending by 25 percent, and pass H.R. 780, the 
"Responsible End to the War in Afghanistan Act" to immediately end the 
war and provide for the safe and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan 
of all members of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense 
contractor personnel. 

5. Invest in jobs, education and infrastructure to promote prosperity 
by enacting H.R. 870 / 4277, the "21st Century Humphrey-Hawkins Full 
Employment and Training Act;" as well as S. 1549 / H.R. 12 the 
"American Jobs Act;" and H.R. 2914, the "Emergency Jobs to Restore the 
American Dream Act." 

We would invite continued discussion and engagement on all of the 
above legislation and issues. Please provide us with the name and 
contact information for your staffer(s) responsible for the above 

Thank you for your time and attention, 
Eva Jehle (ejehle at sbcglobal.net) and Debra Schrishuhn (deb.pdamerica at gmail.com) 
Chapter Leader                                   Chapter Organizer 
Central Illinois Progressive Democrats of America 

There has never been a more important time toorganize in citizen 
grassroots action. 

In solidarity, 
Debra Schrishuhn 
Chapter Organizer 
Progressive Democrats of America 
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