[OccupyCU] Move 2 Amend Petition Planning/Training

Colan Holmes colanholmes at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 13:19:06 CST 2012


I created a Facebook event for the first Move 2 Amend Petition
Planning/Training. Please RSVP there and/or by replying to this email (I'm
nervous about getting this started):

Money talks, but it can't use the People's Mic! It's Occupy vs. the

Join us Tuesday, February 7 at 7:30 at the IMC for our first petitioning
training. We will find open space there, or in the Lincoln Square Mall food
court, where we will plan for Saturday morning door-to-door petitioning.

Chandler will 1) provide plenty of petitions, 2) lead in the development of
our door-knocking "rap" (what to say when you introduce yourself to someone
and how to best reply to their "yes"/"no"/or "what?" responses), and 3)
assist in pairing up experienced and new petitioners.

Bring a pen/pencil and your happy faces.

The goal of the petitioning is to introduce the people we meet to Occupy
(via conversation and fliers) and lead to a positive Township Referendum
vote declaring Champaign and Urbana's townships in favor of an Act or
Amendment declaring that corporations are not people, we are.

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