[OccupyCU] ARTS UNDERGROUND | How You Can Help

Rachel Storm rachelstrm at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 01:28:22 CST 2012

Hey Occupiers and SDaSers---

It's almost Friday and time for ARTS UNDERGROUND! If you haven't yet,
please invite people on FB: http://www.facebook.com/events/243012295784056/
*Stuff in bold is what we need help with! *We have tons of great things in
the works:

   - A variety of workspaces and facilitators (*We still need someone
   facilitating "Performance/Skits"--Snow, did you say you wanted to do this?)
   - A noise musician and our very own Chris Hampson to help bring the sound
   - Ben, Atef, and Chris are all opening their studios for folks to work
   in--Chris plans to stream a film and has also donated to help us create an
   temporary Occupy-inspired Sumi ink club right in the IMC basement:
   - We'll have food donations from Pekara, Common Ground Food Co-Op, Latte
   Da!, and the Red Herring (and THANK you to Aaron Johnson-Ortiz who will
   pick up the food!)
   - The IDEA store is donating markers *(We need someone to pick these
   up---who can? If you can suggest they donate other art supplies, please do!)
   - *Jacob, any news on the screenprinting?*

*What we could use: Reply and tell us what you will bring!*

   - *Food donations*
   - *Art Supplies:*
      - *Paper (all kinds)*
      - *Newsprint*
      - *Paint (various kinds)*
      - *Markers*
      - *Pencils*
      - *Recyclable Materials (for making instruments, artwork, etc.)*
      - *Yarn*
      - *Office Supplies*
      - *Exacto knives*
      - *Scissors*
      - *Glue (various kinds)*
      - *Fabric scraps*
      - *Spray paint*
      - *Anything else you think could be useful (bottle caps, aluminum,
      cardboard, etc.)*

Thanks, all!

*P.S. Anyone else want to organize screenprinting? Even if it's just with
ink and homemade stencils?*
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