[OccupyCU] documentary about a max security prison and the birth of the blues / Sunday, July 1; 1pm at the Art Theater

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 02:51:28 UTC 2012

Documentary about a max security prison and the birth of the blues /
Sunday, July 1; 1pm at the Art Theater

Documentary: "Music from the Big House"
Tickets include the film, Q&A, and a live concert.  They will be: $15
for adults, $12 for seniors/kids, $13 for students.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Art Theater [soon to be a co-op theater] / 126 W. Church St.,
Champaign, IL 61820 | (217) 355-0068 /

-- forwarded email from Barbara Kessel ---
Special Event for July 1 - Movie, Q&A, and Concert

This Sunday is our [I am not sure who "our" refers to, but this came
from Barbara Kessel"] special movie/concert combination!  July 1 at 1
PM Rita Chiarelli, Canada's Goddess of the Blues, is at the
ArtTheater.   After showing her 90-minute documentary, she will do a
discussion and a live performance!  Read about the tour here.

>From her biography: "Chiarelli is a gifted songwriter and an
entertaining performer, but it is her soaring 3 octave voice that sets
her apart from her peers, inspires awe and often tears in her
audiences, and causes critics to gush."

In Music From the Big House, Rita takes a pilgrimage to the birthplace
of the blues, Louisiana State Maximum Security Penitentiary a.k.a
Angola Prison - at one point the bloodiest prison in America.  Rita's
trip turns into a historic jailhouse performance - playing with
inmates serving life sentences. Their shared bond of music, and
Chiarelli's ebullient personality, draw striking revelations from
theinmates. Rather than sensational stories of convicts, we witness
remarkable voices of hope as their love of music radiates humanity and
redemption on their quest for forgiveness.

Tickets include the film, Q&A, and concert.  They will be: $15 for
adults, $12 for seniors/kids, $13 for students.

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