[OccupyCU] FlexNGate workers speak today at 1pm

Ricky Baldwin rbaldwin at seiu73.org
Sat Mar 10 14:57:41 UTC 2012


FlexNGate Workers Speak to Community

TODAY Saturday at 1PM
Channing Murray Chapel
1209 W Oregon St, Urbana

Shame on Khan:
Making Billions
Making Workers Sick!

This is a reminder to most and an announcement to a few.  Today at 1PM our community has the opportunity to hear about
a shocking toxic employer right in our midst.  Workers at FlexNGate work with proven carcinogens - hexavalent chromium - without the benefit of
proper safety equipment or training, turning their fingers yellow, wrecking their lungs, and endangering their families who are exposed to chemicals
brought home on their clothing.  They face other hazards in the plant - blows to the head from car bumpers, frequent explosions and fires from black
 clouds of dust that build up in the plant, and more.

Can owner Shahid Khan not afford masks, gloves, or other safety precautions for his workers?
He's a BILLIONAIRE - not a mere millionaire, but a BILLIONAIRE.
He has a $112 million yacht.
He got caught NOT paying over $80 million he owed in taxes, while the rest of us who bring home a tiny fraction of his income struggle with rising taxes, 
and our public services face deep cuts from budget shortfalls.
He owns the Urbana Country Club, the Flightstar private jet company, the Jacksonville Jaguars, and
a chain of automobile manufacturing plants in several states and a couple of other countries.

Come hear about this ongoing disaster right here in our community, from the people working at ground zero.
None of us would want our children, our friends, anyone we know to face this kind of nightmare at work.
And all of us deserve to know what we can do to make this tycoon clean up his act and
start paying his fair share.

In Solidarity

SEIU Local 73

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