[OccupyCU] Fwd: October2011.org News: Which One Will You Choose?

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Thu Nov 8 19:39:22 UTC 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> Because a sustainable future depends on the people willing to see the truth for what it is, and for those to stand up in unison in order to make a difference.
> — Jake Edward Keli'i Eakin
> With the election over, it is time to increase our focus on building an independent nonviolent and broad-based movement to end the rule of money, shift power to the people and build the peaceful, just and sustainable future that is so necessary.
> The re-election of Obama is already being used as an excuse to re-energize the extreme right. And Obama has made it clear that he is reaching out to the right to work together. But just as happened over the past 4 years, there will be no compromise just a steady shift towards corporate power and away from the needs of the people. Occupy and allies can and are taking action to fill these needs, most noticeably right now through the amazing efforts ofOccupy Sandy to provide relief for those devastated by the superstorm and yesterday's snow. Please support them.
> We have much work to do, and here are several ways that we can have a great impact. We hope that you will join efforts of at least one.
> 1. Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline - this pipeline, being built by TransCanada to ship sludge from the Alberta Tar Sands to the oil refineries for export, is a game changer for the climate. James Hansen has written that if it is built, the carbon and destruction from the Tar Sands will tip us into irreversible climate chaos. Courageous protesters have been taking action in Texas for weeks now and they need your help. If more people can join them, that would mean success. If you can't join them physically, please send donations to keep them going. The pipeline must be stopped!
> 2. Flush the TPP! - the TransPacific Partnership is being negotiated in secret by the White House with their 600 corporate advisers. This trade agreement, the largest in history, will effectively create a global corporate coup in which corporations have greater power than individual nations and will undermine environmental, labor and consumer protection laws. It is being done in secret because if people knew what was in it, they would be in the streets. Take time now to learn more about it, let people around you know about it and prepare to mobilize when it is brought to Congress for a vote.
> 3. Say no to Austerity - the same agenda that has created major street protests in Europe is coming to the US. Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, appointed in 2010 to head the Deficit Commission, have now created the "Fix the Debt" group - over 80 CEOs who are going to push for austerity measures to address the so-called 'deficit crisis,' which wouldn't exist if we increased taxes on the wealthy, cut military spending and passed Medicare for all. National and international anti-austerity mobilizations are occurring. You can join them as an individual or with a group. Listen to this interviewwith anti-austerity organizers.
> 4. End student debt - the student debt crisis is similar to the subprime mortgage crisis. And students are increasingly taking a stand to end student debt and call for free higher education. An investment in education will bring much more in return of value to the nation's wellbeing and economy. There is an effort to destroy higher education in the US as these centers of learning in the past have been places where people think freely and organize for peace and justice. Protect education and protect our people by joining activity to end student debt.
> These are important tasks. And of course there are more. But a success in any or all of the above will create tremendous shifts away from corporate greed to human need. Please support these efforts however you can.
> And please prepare now to support the Walmart workers if they choose to strike on Black Friday. You can order the new Walmart OccuCard to hand out in your community. 
> In peace and solidarity,
> October2011/OccupyWashingtonDC
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