[OccupyCU] The pusillanimous professoriate

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Fri Nov 9 03:19:35 UTC 2012

During the Vietnam War, some (mainly younger) American academic area specialists worked hard to dispel US government propaganda about that imperialist crime. 

It's striking that such people have been largely absent throughout the last decade of the Bush/Obama War against the Greater Middle East. ("BOWAGME" is no worse than Bush's "Operation Iraqi Liberation" - hastily rechristened when the acronym gave away too much - or Obama's "overseas contingency operations.")

A generation of subtle thought-control successfully produced in our day a regime-friendly academy, where mentioning that there is a child-killer in the White House is not countenanced.

This particular trahison des clercs is partly made up for by the following collection of foreign academics, independent scholars, and journalists:    



"A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep." 
--W. H. Auden
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