[OccupyCU] Identity has no class

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Sat Nov 10 05:39:06 UTC 2012

American liberalism collapsed 40 years ago when it retreated from opposing economic exploitation and thought that it could make up for that by becoming increasingly exercised by all forms of discrimination. It replaced class politics with identity politics. That was an acquiescence to the conscious counter-attack of neoliberalism on "the sixties." The triumph of neoliberalism in our day is signaled by the accelerating economic inequality over those same 40 years. 

See "Abigail Fisher and the irrelevance of affirmative action" by Walter Benn Michaels <http://www.dailydot.com/opinion/unconstructive-criticism-abigail-fisher/>:

"The idea that we would become a more equal society if we just could figure out a way to end all forms of discrimination is a chimera, one that flourishes particularly strongly on the Internet. In this forum, insults tend to be the injuries people care most about. We’ve recreated the same old sins online, ignoring the true injustice, which is economic inequality..."


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