[OccupyCU] 9/11 polls

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Wed Nov 14 21:40:47 UTC 2012

What difference would it make, were it established beyond doubt that people in the US government either aided or engineered the 9/11 attacks?

Suppose Dick Cheney confesses on his (apparently fast-approaching) death-bed that, yes, people in the CIA directed by his office put demolition charges in the World Trade Center and arranged for the airplanes to set them off, meanwhile attacking the Pentagon with a missile - or at least, knew of such plots and did nothing to stop them?  

Of course it would be nice to know, and it would confirm many people's opinion of Cheney, but would it make any practical difference?

Suppose most of the adult population of the US came to believe that 9/11 was staged to start wars? What would change? Would the wars stop?

A majority of Americans believe that the Bush-Obama administrations have lied about their wars against the Greater Middle East, and 70% of Americans think we should withdraw from those wars. Would Cheney's dying burst of honesty change those numbers? More importantly, would it change the Obama's administration war policy, which has shown itself impervious to US & world condemnation of its expansion of the wars to half a dozen Asian and African countries?  

If this is so, isn't the pursuit of this question something of a red herring for the Occupy movement, which has bigger fish to fry?

"...all of this reminds me of a 1998 U.S. Defense Department report on declassification decisions. Among other things, it suggested that information about the Kennedy assassination [of 1963] should be released now and then as a 'diversion,' as 'distraction material,' which could keep people busy on wild goose chases so they wouldn't investigate the serious questions. A smart decision on the part of US intelligence. You can find the details in an excellent book by British political scientist Richard Aldrich, 'The Hidden Hand' (p. 7), the best study by far of British intelligence (with a lot about US intelligence too, for one reason, because the British were of course spying on the Americans, just as conversely)" [Noam Chomsky].


On Nov 14, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Stephen Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> According to the below article approximately 45 million people in the US believe 9/11 was staged to start wars.
> I think many more  would not admit to it...but secretly believe it, and many just couldn't deal with the horrific belief that our government / Zionists would so this.  
> Huffington Post ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/earl-ofari-hutchinson/9-11-conspiracy-theories_b_949539.html)  The decade since the hijacked 747s rammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon hasn't changed one thing. Millions of Americans still fervently believe that the 9/11 terror attacks were part of a well-conceived, well-planned, diabolical, staged act. A poll commissioned by the BBC found that one in seven Americans still thinks that 9/11 was a staged act. And even worrisome, one in four 16- to 24-year-olds thinks it was staged.
> I'm just part of that 45 million,
> I don't agree completely with communists, socialist, unions but think they all have something good to contribute.
> I'm glad I made the presentation and actually did get some encouraging support, and I disagree with Chris Goodrow, but think his position is based on personal beliefs rather than a knee-jerk blanket reaction to any line of thought that has the slightest tinge of anti-semitism.
> For the third time, I will say that I fervently support anti Zionist Jewish people.  Ed Asner, who is starring in the 9/11 Truth movie September Morn was raised an orthodox Jew.
> Thank you,
> Steve Francis
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