[OccupyCU] on strife - incident at the IMC, and life in Occupy

Stuart Levy salevy at illinois.edu
Thu Nov 15 01:14:47 UTC 2012

I'm writing in distress at seeing people, friends whom I like and 
admire, saying things I do not understand, setting themselves at odds 
with each other in ways that do not seem necessary.    I am seeing what 
look like fragmentary misunderstandings being cast as essential 
disagreements and hurled like darts.    I see individuals being wounded 
-- and the communities that these mailing lists represent are also being 

I don't want these conversations to stop, but I don't want to see them 
proceed in anger or end in anger at each other.   If we can remember 
what we have in common that leads all of us here to take part in 
struggles for social justice and peace, then maybe we can do better than 
avoiding lasting harm, maybe we can gain lasting understanding.


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