[OccupyCU] Wall Street to Wal-Mart: National Occupy Black Friday Event

Stan Waggoner swag901 at ymail.com
Sun Nov 18 15:00:51 UTC 2012

I am trying to get a representative from this group on my Wednesday show.  I will post an intro, if I get a response from them to be on the show.  Some positive caller feedback would be appreciated.  We can go the entire show as far as I am concerned, and Dave, if you, or one from your collective want to co-host, that would be good.

 From: David Johnson <dlj725 at hughes.net>
To: occupycu at lists.chambana.net; Stuart Levy <stuartnlevy at gmail.com> 
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] Wall Street to Wal-Mart: National Occupy Black Friday Event

YES ! 
This would be great, count me 
David Johnson 
----- Original Message -----  
>From: Stuart  Levy  
>To: Kelli Weaver-Miner  
>Cc: OccupyCU at lists.chambana.net  
>Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 11:55  AM 
>Subject: Re: [OccupyCU] Wall Street to  Wal-Mart: National Occupy Black Friday Event 
>Hey!  I think this is a great idea & would love to  participate!   Bet others will too.
>(I have a sign - 
  especially appropriate now: While You're Shopping / Bombs are 
>Is next Monday's meeting a good time to discuss 
  this?   Since you're newly on the list, here's where it'll 
>    7PM Monday 11/19
>    U-C 
  Independent Media Center, 202 S. Broadway, downtown 
>    downstairs Family Room.  Climb down the 
  small stairs leading from the street on the Elm St. (north) side.
  yes, this list and the Facebook page you mention came from the same group, and 
  will include many of the same people.   But not everybody will be on 
  both, so if there are plans for something, it's good to post them in both 
>    Stuart
>On 11/16/12 10:57 AM, Kelli Weaver-Miner  wrote:
>>I am new here.  Signed onto the listserve yesterday.   
>>I am wondering two things ... 
>>1) are the  people on this listserve te same group of people who are found on the  Facebook Group?  For those of you who are interested and do the whole  "Facebook thing" here is the link to the Occupy C-U group page.    
>>2)  I realize that my timing with  joining the group is not good, I can tell this by the amount, and tone of  many of the messages that are filling my inbox.  This is fine, as I am  not a part of whatever happened, and I do not want to get in the middle, and  I have no  intentions to do such.   
>>The entire reason I signed up onto this  list serve is so that I could try to mobilize interested parties in  something that falls near a dear to my heart, and hopefully your hearts as  well ... an Occupy Wal-Mart Black Friday movement that is trying to gain  momentum across our country.  This is a stand with the striking  WalMart workers, across the country during their Black Friday  Strike. 
>>Through Social Media, I have alerted  various Occupy groups across the US of this (including Occupy Berkeley (aka  - Berserk-eley).  I will be in Columbus, Ohio over this holiday, and  plan of taking part of their Occupy Walmart movement.  Even though I  will not be here, I still would like to see this mobilize and take place  here, if possible.   
>>Our small town has 3 Wal-Marts!  5  if you include Rantoul and Danville. 
>>Berkley put out some stats (dont know  where they come from, but) 
>>"WalMart Policies increase employees  reliance on public assistance with -- 80% of workers on food stamps --  employees rely on 2.66 billion in government help every year which is  approx. $420,000 per store -- store employees in state [of California?] are  top recipients of Medicaid...."  
>>1.2 Billion in corporate tax break and  subsidies ... employees paid 2.66 billion in government help to survive on  below poverty wages ... boycott WalMart in Black Friday, The People's Strike   .... 
>>I realize that there are some serious  tensions going on in the group, my intentions are NOT  to minimize them AT ALL ...  I also realize that personally,  my world  is crumbling as Hostess Brands announced their closing ... but can I suggest  that we step back, losen the knots of tension, and re-direct our focus to  something constructive?  I have never seen local news coverage of the  Occupy C-U events (and we know why that is), BUT, with over 1000 followers  of the group on Facebook, WHAT IF a majority of people COULD be mobilized  locally to stand with those WalMart Strikers? We would be joining  (hopefully) vast amounts of others nationwide.  acting local, affects  global. 
>>Are we too  knotted up to be in the mood for some motion on Occupy Wal Mart?  I  certainly hope not.  This is what the Occupy Movement is about,  right?
>>Below  I have attached the copied test from the 'Wall Street to Wal-Mart:   Occupy Black Friday Event" that is on  Facebook (the link above)  for people who are not interested in getting on Facebook. 
>>thank  you for your time 
>>Kelli  Weaver-Miner 
>>Wall  Street to Wal-Mart:  Occupy Black Friday Event
>>In  solidarity with 99 pickets, we are calling for solidarity actions across the  United States for the Black Friday Walmart Strike:
>>In  the wake of a series of unprecedented Walmart retail and warehouse strikes,  Walmart workers, labor allies and community supporters have put Walmart on  notice for Black Friday: End retaliation and attempts to silence workers or  face nationwide strikes and direct action.
>>If  you would like to organize a strike in your area, we recommend that you find  a local planning group fro m  these sources: 
>>If you 
    are in the tri-state NY area, please join us in NJ.
>>On Black Friday 
    -- the busiest shopping day of the year -- Occupy Wall Street, 99 Pickets, 
    ALIGN, Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, and allies will occupy a 
    Walmart store in North Jersey in solidarity with these courageous workers. 
    Join us as we clog the checkout lines, take over the store with shopping 
    carts, sing songs, picket the store, and disrupt Walmart’s 
>>Sign up for updates: http://99pickets.org/picket/wall-street-to-walmart/#signup
    DAY 4PM*: On Thursday we’ll have THANKSGIVING DINNER in Liberty Square, with 
    hot meals also provided to Occupy Trinity, Union Square and Occupy Sandy 
    relief efforts throughout the boroughs. This will be a time to come together 
    as a community and reflect on the struggles of workers and indigenous 
>>5AM: We will kick the day off at 
    an early morning “Walmart sales event” and put Walmart on notice that this 
    year, they won’t be able to conduct business as usual.
>>12 NOON: The 
    main event. Hundreds of us will be gathering at a NJ Walmart store 
    (unannounced, for now) and staying all afternoon to disrupt commerce and 
    stand in solidarity with workers across the country who are fighting for 
    their rights.
>>*Have a car?* We need 
    help with carpooling and we have a fun, safe “Occupy the Parking Spaces” 
    action planned at Walmart all day.
>>*Don’t have a car?* Buses are 
    leaving NYC at 11:30AM.
>>If you want to take the bus or are able to 
    drive, fill out this form with both your email and phone so we can follow up 
    with you.
>>Otherwise, there’s 
    easy mass transit to the store location -- just twenty minutes from NYC. 
    We’ll post directions soon.
>>Sign up for updates here:
>>We'll send you info 
    about logistics for the day-of, Black Friday
>>action planning meetings and 
    the planning email discussion list.
>>To view the original 
    event: https://www.facebook.com/events/291565284287460/
    the international call: https://www.facebook.com/events/436392286418592/
    VA: https://www.facebook.com/events/290448721074188/
>>Naples, FL: https://www.facebook.com/events/576313512382333/
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