[OccupyCU] Yet Obama refuses a WPA

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Fri Sep 7 13:39:24 UTC 2012

The August jobs report was released this morning at 7:30:

	"86,000 fewer Americans have a job today than when Obama took office in January 2009 ... In August alone, another 580,000 people left the workforce entirely ... While the top-line drop of the unemployment rate may seem like a positive [8.2% to 8.1%], it is entirely driven by people leaving the workforce.  In August alone, 119,000 fewer Americans have a job..." <http://getliberty.org/fewer-americans-employed-now-than-when-obama-took-office/>.

It's the responsibility of government to provide a decent job at a living wage to every American who wants one. But Obama has specifically rejected a New Deal-style Works Progress Administration (even while he adopts the rhetoric of a "New New Deal" - typically "faking left and driving right").

Obama's 1% sponsors abominate the notion of a WPA for the simple reason that it would raise their labor costs. Fewer people would have to take the terrible jobs and wages that they offer to American workers if those workers could get a decent job at a living wage. 

It would also move work in America toward production for use rather than production for the profit of the very few. There is immense work to be done that private capital isn't doing - because they can't profit from it - from infrastructure to teaching. A new WPA could remedy that.

The original WPA even employed artists. 


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