[OccupyCU] Perdurable crimes of US foreign policy

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Sun Aug 11 17:35:04 UTC 2013

Don't miss David Green's piece on the Korean War in today's News-Gazette. (It is not as yet on the website.)

The N-G editor has properly headlined it, "Koran War history distorted and exploited for political ends" - an appropriate description of the piece to which David is replying, viz., "Truman made right call on Korea" <http://www.news-gazette.com/opinion/guest-commentary/2013-07-28/voices-truman-made-right-call-korea.html>. 

In the headline of the latter article, the N-G uses a crass sports metaphor for the US murder of literally millions of people. Should we wonder why Americans don't know of the enduring crimes of their government? (For a corrective, see "Executive Branch leaders have killed, wounded and made homeless over 20 million human beings in the last 50 years," by Fred Branfman <http://www.opednews.com/articles/Executive-Branch-leaders-h-by-fred-branfman-130722-568.html>.)


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