[OccupyCU] [Peace-discuss] Announcement of Candidacy for Congress

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat Aug 17 17:37:19 UTC 2013


All best wishes for your candidacy. 

As the John Birch Society said to Ronald Reagan when he first ran for governor of California, I'll attack you or defend you - whichever will do you the most good...

Regards, Carl

On Aug 17, 2013, at 12:27 PM, David Green <davegreen84 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> David Green will be announcing his candidacy for Congressperson for the 13th District in Illinois, Democratic Party primary, on Sunday, September 1, 2013, 1:30 p.m., at the Champaign Public Library, Robeson Rooms A and B.
> He will be conducting an insurgent campaign for the Democratic Party nomination, in opposition to the policies of the Obama Administration, the party’s congressional leadership, and the party’s organizational leadership.
> This insurgent campaign is in opposition to the war-making policies of the Administration, the expansion and privatization of the military-industrial complex, drone warfare, our empire of military bases, intervention around the world, and military funding for Israel, Egypt, and Colombia.
> This campaign is also in opposition to Wall Street, the major banks, and other financial powers that be, including the policies of the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
> The campaign opposes the national security state and all that entails, including spying globally and on American citizens. It will also oppose the “war on drugs” and the regime of mass incarceration, directed particularly at African-Americans, who are the real targets of that war.
> The campaign will appeal to leftists in the Democratic Party, those who identify with other leftist parties, including the Green Party, and anti-war libertarians.
> The campaign supports guaranteed, living wage government employment for all who want or need a job. Massive areas of federal funding for jobs include public education, from pre-school to college; public mass transportation; conservation of land and energy; funding for the arts; mental and dental health; increased internet connectivity; and the U.S. Postal Service.
> These programs would be paid for by savings resulting from a “Medicare for all” insurance program that would incorporate all citizens and eliminate health insurance companies, as well as diminishing pharmaceutical profits. They would also be paid for by savings from “national defense” related spending.
> This campaign supports and encourages union activity in both the public and private sectors, including legislation that removes employer obstacles to union organization. It will also support lowering the value of the dollar in order to make American manufacturing more competitive at home and abroad, thus lowering or eliminating the balance of payments deficit. Any further deficits incurred by the federal government will be in order to support real and productive economic growth, especially infrastructure, rather than corporate out-sourcing to low wage countries, militarism, and financial bailouts, as is currently the case.
> The campaign supports a dramatic revision of the federal tax system from regressive to progressive. The income cap on the social security payroll tax should be eliminated, the tax rate lowered, and benefits raised. Taxes on the wealthy and corporate profits should also be raised to reflect more progressivity, and to counter the dramatic effects of increased income inequality. A modest federal sales tax on internet purchases should be considered, to be distributed to the states.
> In sum, this campaign represents recognition of the notion that the United States is no longer a functioning democracy. However, it challenges the notions that Americans are either unwilling to govern themselves or incapable of doing so.
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