[OccupyCU] Greenwald on Obama administration criminality

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Tue Dec 31 22:35:38 UTC 2013

"[Laura Poitras] went through the list of people who have devoted themselves to transparency and the price that they have paid. She said Edward Snowden is stuck in Russia facing thirty years in prison, Chelsea Manning is in prison, Aaron Swartz committed suicide. People like Jeremy Hammond and Barrett Brown are the subjects of grotesquely overzealous prosecutions by virtue of the acts of transparency they've engaged in. Even people like Jim Risen, who is with an organization like the New York Times, faces the possibility of prison for stories that he's published.

"Laura and I have been advised by countless lawyers that it is not safe for us to even travel to our own country, and she said, 'It's really a sign of how sick our political future has become, that the price for bringing transparency to the government, and for doing the job of the media, and the Congress, that they're not doing, is this extreme form of punishment.'"


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