[OccupyCU] Support the Balancing Act! -- 2/27: Pull the Pork and More from the Pentagon Budget!

Stuart Levy stuartnlevy at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 20:13:22 UTC 2013

There Is An Alternative to sequestration (with austerity) vs. a grand 
bargain between the main lines of the established parties (also with 

*Call your senators and congressperson and urge them to support **The 
Balancing Act -?? H.R. 505 
*-?? introduced by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.  It avoids cuts 
to essential social programs, calls on the most privileged to pay their 
share and reduces Pentagon spending to fund job creation and rebuild the 

Tell them that you want them to support The Balancing Act (HR 505) and 
oppose both sequestration and austerity measures.*
*Tell them to stand with the majority who support substantial cuts to 
the Pentagon budget to fund job creation, secure social safety net 
programs, rebuild public infrastructure, protect the environment, and 
make the super-rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[ufpj-activist] 2/27: Pull the Pork and More from the Pentagon 
Date: 	Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:58:50 -0500
From: 	<SIUHIN at aol.com>
To: 	<ufpj-activist at lists.mayfirst.org>



*Pull the Pork and More
from the Pentagon Budget!


The Jobs Not Wars Campaign is calling for a change in our nationâ??s 
priorities.  We can only meet the needs of the American people and our 
communities by cutting the bloated out-of-control Pentagon budget and by 
making the super-rich and giant corporations pay their fair share.

We will strengthen our security more by investing in jobs and caring for 
people than by lining the pockets of weapons makers, their executives 
and lobbyists.

*/Does the budget exist to serve the people or the profit interests of 
the arms industry?


The time to act is _now_ !
Call your representative and senators
Wednesday, February 27^th *!*

*_The Congressional switchboard number is:(202) 224-3121

A toll-free line is: (866) 338-1015


Unless Congress and the President reach an agreement, on March 1^st 
  across-the-board mandatory cuts will take place that will devastate 
social programs on which so many of the unemployed, poor, elderly, 
children and disabled depend.

    *There'??s an alternative.  It'??s called The Balancing Act -?? H.R.
    *-?? introduced by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.  It avoids
    cuts to essential social programs, calls on the most privileged to
    pay their share and reduces Pentagon spending to fund job creation
    and rebuild the economy.

**Tell your representative and senators that you want them to support 
The Balancing Act (HR 505) and _oppose_ both _sequestration_ and 
_austerity_ measures.

** *Tell them to stand with the majority who support substantial cuts to 
the Pentagon budget to fund job creation, secure social safety net 
programs, rebuild public infrastructure, protect the environment, and 
make the super-rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.


_The Congressional switchboard number is: (202) 224-3121

A toll-free line is: (866) 338-1015

/Take a moment to record your the result of your calls _HERE_ 




      o On Wednesday, February 27^th , actions will take place around
        the country calling on Congress to "??Pull the Pork


*After you make your call, join an action 
<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=B2DABB2TtDKC%2BVotCBZQ00O8vFbib64%2F> near 
you. *

      o Find a local event at www.pullthepork.org

      o If you have not yet signed the Jobs-Not-Wars petition, take a
        moment to do that *HERE*


*/Thank You for All You Do to Help Build a Better America for All./*

*National Immigrant Solidarity Network 
http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org <http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/>
Action LA Network http://www.ActionLA.org <http://www.actionla.org/>
Peace NO War Network http://www.PeaceNOWar.net <http://www.peacenowar.net/>
Activist Video Service http://www.ActivistVideo.org 

New York : (212)330-8172
Los Angeles : (213)403-0131
Washington D.C. : (202)595-8990
Chicago : (773)942-2268

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